Maxine Waters Renews Impeachment Call After Trump’s ‘Very Low I.Q. Individual’ Insult

Rep. Maxine Waters, California Democrat, repeated her call for Congress to impeach President Trump after he called her a “very low I.Q. individual” at his Saturday rally.

Mr. Trump told the crowd that “we have to defeat Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters, a very low I.Q. individual,” then referred to her ongoing push for him to be impeached.

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2 Thoughts to “Maxine Waters Renews Impeachment Call After Trump’s ‘Very Low I.Q. Individual’ Insult”

  1. Brian McMurphy

    Just a reminder that all of the “respect the office if not the man” rhetoric during the Obammunism years was just their way of saying shut up.

    So, in turn, Maxine Waters can throw her wig against the wall and as it barks and yelps back to the trash can she pulled it out of – she can STFU.

    No one cares what Esther from Sanford and Sons thinks.

    1. Bill

      Maxipad is a raving idiot. She belongs in an institute for the criminally stupid. Is this what California really wants representing them? How about a golden retriever? Higher IQ and more groomed. Btw Brian, freaking hilarious!
